Dr. Krygier in the OWU ENVS Dunk Tank at the Olentangy River Festival (Sept. 2021)
Our first STF Meeting for the Fall of 2021 is Monday, Sept. 27 @ noon in 201 Merrick Hall.
Organizer: AJ Lashaway
Dr. Krygier/AJ→ OWU Outside update (hopefully MTSO reaches out, call Audubon)(make QR code for groupme)
→ Chimney Swift tower
→ Energy Projects: big and small
→ Bioretention Cells
→ any other sustainability things going on on campus
Ed Pullen→ recycling + waste management on campus
Erin Wolfe→ sustainability in Delaware
→ watershed
→ events OWU students can attend/opportunities available to them
SK (Treehouse) → Green Week, house events outside students can attend/help with
And SO much MORE.